Safest Places To Study In Europe

If you want to study in some of the best and most prestigious universities in the world, Europe is undoubtedly the best place to do it. These universities range from the oldest, the University of Bologna in Italy, to some of the most cutting-edge ones, like ETH Zurich in Switzerland. Europe is a mother to universities because there are many options available there. 

There are a number of factors to consider when deciding where to study, whether at home or abroad, one of them is how safe and secure the atmosphere is. 

Top 5 safest locations in Europe for international students. 

In this post, we will examine some of the safest nations in which to study in Europe. These nations include Switzerland, Denmark, Finland, Norway, and others. 


Austria often records low crime rates with safety for both locals and visitors in the city or towns, making it a very safe place to study. 

Additionally, Austria offers a very safe and dependable public transportation system. Nevertheless, you should not let your guard down as there may be incidences of theft, pickpocketing, etc. in crowded areas on this public transportation. 

Regarding natural disasters, the nation does not typically experience them like earthquakes, typhoons, or hurricanes; however, some regions of Austria have experienced heavy snowfall and avalanches during the winter; as a visitor or student, make an effort to become familiar with the weather in your surroundings. 

Thus, it is clear that the nation is quite welcoming to students looking to study abroad and that it offers excellent educational opportunities along with high living standards. 


Finland is one of the nations on the list of those with the lowest crime rates and one of the highest living standards. Additionally, Finland boasts a top-notch educational system. Finland places high importance on education, with institutions like Aalto University and the University of Helsinki being ranked among the best in the world. 


Switzerland is one of the top-ranked nations in terms of safety, and this fact alone makes it an obvious choice for students looking to study in Europe. The nation has exceptionally low crime rates, a stable political climate, and strict gun restrictions that are frequently upheld. Of course, its educational system must be included because Swiss universities consistently rank among the greatest in the world; ETH Zurich, the University of Zurich, and the University of Geneva are just a few examples that made the list. 


One nation that has a very good reputation for peace is this one. Norway is a great place for students looking to study abroad because of its strong political standards and low crime rate. 


According to data, Iceland ranks first on the global peace index, making it the safest European country to study in. Iceland is perhaps the world’s most tranquil country. Violence is hardly ever reported in Iceland.

Housing safety measures for international students. 

Student housing policies for both domestic and international students may vary across Europe based on the state and local laws that apply. We shall examine some potential general safety precautions for student housing in Europe in this article. 

  1. Security measure: Almost every region in Europe has put in place security safeguards to prevent students from gaining unauthorized access to housing. Some of these safeguards include key card access, camera installation, as well as the hiring of human staff to assure authorized access to housing. 
  2. Installing smoke alarms and carbon monoxide detectors will alert students to any potential fire outbreaks or leaks of the gas, allowing them to flee the afflicted areas and alerting authorities to the dangers. 
  3. To ensure the safety of students, European countries also created emergency measures. When there is an emergency, such as a fire breakout or a natural disaster, this process is enforced. The emergency contact mustard point and evacuation when necessary are some of these emergency practices. 
  4. Every student must follow health and safety rules, some of which include sufficient ventilation, drinking clean water, and doing proper sanitary activities. 

Safety considerations for international students in Europe based on culture 

Looking at some of the cultural safety precautions that are generally applicable and which it is crucial for international students to get familiar with because of some cultural variations, they include; 

  1. It’s crucial for international students who want to study in Europe to try to become familiar with some of the cultural customs, legal frameworks, and norms that govern their chosen European location. Doing so will help to avoid any potential cultural misunderstandings or offenses. 
  2. Do your best to be as cautious and aware of your surroundings as you can be, as the level of safety in your home country may differ greatly from that of your host European location. Try to become familiar with some of their medical procedures and make sure you have insurance. Consider getting to know a few of the healthcare professionals in your area. 
  3. Be highly aware of cultural variations since they may have an impact on everything, from communications to standards. 

Additionally, strive to understand and adapt to diverse cultural lifestyles rather than trying to generalize or assume anything about a specific culture.

Political stability across Europe 

When examining a nation’s political stability, it is important to take into account both the nation and the time period, which frequently results in variations in that nation’s political stability. Aside from these issues, European nations are regarded for their generally stable politics and well-established democratic systems. 

A nation’s educational system may be positively or negatively impacted by its political practices. Using Europe as an example, you may assume that these countries will have a pretty robust and constant educational structure given their comparatively stable political system. The stability allows for proper funding of the country’s educational system, raising it to expected standards, and the execution of laws, regulations, and other measures to uphold those standards and accomplish educational objectives. 

Even though there is no obvious link between political stability and academic success, it generally fosters a more favorable environment for the development of a robust and trustworthy educational system. 

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