Don’t Miss This! Vocational Training For International Students

In Germany, first-year students always choose to enroll in vocational training before pursuing any higher levels of education, making it one of the top post-compulsory education options. Vocational schools were once the main source of blue-collar employees in the past. Around 9 to 10 years of age are required for pupils to attend school, following which they may continue with their occupational training.

Vocational training is essentially a non-academic, practice-based education that prepares people for a variety of vocations, contrary to what its name might imply. There are only a few general subjects that are part of the whole curriculum at vocational schools, with the great majority of subjects being specialized subjects related to the profession being learned.

Vocational training options

The two main forms of vocational training programs in the nation are theoretical-based in-school training and practical-based in-company training.

In-company vocational training

In Germany, this is the most well-known type of vocational training, accounting for at least 70% of all programs with the same number of trainees. This indicates that at least half of all German school leavers enroll in dual-voucher programs. 

This trainee is supposed to take place in two distinct locations, the berufsschule and the firm included, and is said to endure for two to three years. This training’s scheduled time is roughly split 40:60 between attending classes at the school and working at the housing company. In most cases, the employer issues trainees with a contract that simultaneously binds them to the company as workers. 

They typically receive fixed monthly stipends and are granted up to one month of leave for each holiday. They even get paid over the holidays, which is an unusual aspect of the situation. International students from nations outside the EU are drawn to this real vocational training. mostly

School-based vocational training 

This type of vocational training is known to take place full-time in vocational schools and is supposed to last between one and three months, after which the trained individuals are expected to continue their education in a business setting or any other public institution. In contrast to the company-based vocational training, the amount they receive for this particular training is different and less.

Dual vocational Training and dual studies

Dual occupational training can be misconstrued for the dual study if not adequately observed. For the record, the vocational training integrated dual study program is an academic course that is taught at a university, a vocational school, and a business. 

Graduates receive a certification in addition to their academic degree. Dual study and vocational training both pay wages and are targeted programs, which is where their similarities end. These two initiatives are equally well-liked by foreigners living in the nation because they assist them in entering the labor market.

Occupations that the trainees are trained for

There are currently around 350 well-known occupational vocations in Germany that require formal education. Up to 500,000 trainee places are available annually for all applicants, with at least 60,000 positions still accessible and with a focus on specialized occupations like nursing, IT, and others. International candidates frequently express interest in these opportunities.

People from outside the European Economic Area will only be granted visas for this training where there aren’t any or a few candidates from Germany.

Advantages of getting the dual vocational training

The main advantage of this training over other non-academic training programs in the country is that it contains a significant practical component that helps the trainees become adequately educated and profession-appropriate. The younger generation of professionals is therefore in high demand throughout the nation.

The German government encourages citizens of other nations to come and take part in the training so that they can fill gaps in the German labor market caused by the lack of highly qualified workers in various occupational fields.

Participants in the dual vocational training program are compensated on a consistent monthly basis. They are also paid while they are off from school for the summer. Their living expenses are claimed to be substantially covered by this salary. It is believed that non-EU/EFTA citizens profit more from this scheme because the money they get can cover their living expenses while they are in the nation.

Following completion of the program, those who took part in it will receive an occupational certificate from the relevant chamber of industry and trades, which is well-known throughout Germany. People who hold this credential can now pursue various work opportunities in any part of the nation related to the new profession they just picked up.

Many of the businesses that provide this dual vocational training actually view it as a successful method of attracting candidates for long-term careers in the future. Because it could be a game-changer in your life as a young person and as a foreigner, it is crucial to take such training seriously.

Apprentices in the fields are not only there to learn a trade; they are also there to make connections and acquire useful contacts. For this reason, the corporation actually prefers to hire those who are known to them over those who are outside.

You can apply for any of these training via visa, and if you’re fortunate, you’ll be accepted. You should be aware that if your application for a job is for a post for which there are fewer applications from German citizens, the German government is more likely to give you the visa.

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